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Industrial Photography is a specialized field where very often, the "subjects" are large machinery, buildings, aircraft, people at work on large projects, wearing the proper safety gear, sitting at their desk, etc. Access is not always easy, time can be limited, weather can't be predicted and there can be "security sensitive" items or locations. The events to be covered can be milestone moments of a construction project that involves media coverage, shooting from a scissor lift, cherry picker or an aircraft.

A deadline or fast turnaround of edited images is usually involved and there are no re-shoots. The client may have several very different requests and planned uses for the images and specialized photo gear and assistants have to be brought in.

Flexibility is very important. Corporate Communications and the Advertising directors may add a couple of "while you're here" requests, which we are alway happy to accomodate. Industrial Photography is fun for us, you can get very creative (after you get the "money shot") and you can end up with great images our clients love in addition to the request list.

We at Barnet Photography have a great deal of experience in this type of work and would love to be of service on your next project.